
Payform provides an off the shelf eCommerce payment solution for merchants who may not have the expertise/resource available to complete a full Hosted Payment Page (HPP) API integration into their website.

With support for 3D Secure the HPP provides merchants additional protection against chargebacks when processing payments, reducing the risks and cost of accepting credit card payments.

When implementing Payform merchants can choose to redirect from their website or send the customer the static Payform link, this link can optionally be prepopulated with order details or allow the customer to enter details on the Payform page. After inputting details, the customer will be redirected to the HPP to enter sensitive payment information and securely process their payment.

Payform Overview

Implementing Payform

Unlike a traditional HPP integrations the Payform integration utilizes a static URL, merchants implementing Payform populate the static URL with their Payform username and provide the URL to their customers; this could be via the merchants website or manually communications such as email, SMS, or social media communications.

Below are the Payform production and development URLs, merchants must replace PAYFORMUSERID with their Payform username provided by Windcave:

The Production URL should be used for merchants performing production or live transactions.

The Development URL should be used for merchants performing development testing in the User Acceptance Testing (UAT) environment.

Production: https://sec.windcave.com/pxaccess/pxpay/payform?userid=PAYFORMUSERID

Development: https://uat.windcave.com/pxaccess/pxpay/payform?userid=PAYFORMUSERID

Prepopulated Fields

For merchants who would like to prepopulate certain fields within the Payform page, this can be achieved by using query parameters with key-value pairs appended to the end of the static Payform URL.

Each query parameter with key-value pair is separated by an ampersand (&) allowing merchants to prepopulate only the fields applicable to their use case.

The below outlines the fields that can be prepopulated:

By default, all prepopulated fields allow customer input/update within the Payform UI, however the below fields can optionally be made read only within the Payform users customization options:

Field Name Can be Read Only Description Configuration Example
This controls the amount field on the Payform page allowing merchants to prepopulate the amount for the customer &amount=10.00
This controls the currency field for merchants utilizing a multi-currency setup &currencyname=NZD
This controls the txnData1 custom merchant data field &txndata1=Test1234
This controls the txnData2 custom merchant data field &txndata2=Test1234
This controls the txnData3 custom merchant data field &txndata3=Test1234
This controls the email field allowing merchants to prepopulate the customers email [email protected]
This controls the merchant reference field allowing merchants to prepopulate the custom information field &merchantreference=Test1234
If enabled at Windcave Host this allows merchant to set transaction type, options are "purchase", "validate" or "auth"

  • Purchase – Immediate charge to card.
  • Auth – Hold amount on card, a complete must be submitted from Payline® for settlement to occur.
  • Validate – No charge to card, used to check if card details are valid or not.


Custom Lists

Custom lists allow merchants to have a preconfigured list of options for customers to select from on the Payform page, lists can be applied to the txndata1/2/3 input fields and each field can have its own custom list.


Please contact [email protected] for more information about enabling Custom Lists on your Payform user.


From Payline® merchants can navigate to Custom Hosted → HPP Customization, here merchants can:

  • Customize the Payform page inputs and labels
  • Customize the look and feel of their Hosted Payment Page
  • Customize the details contained on the Cardholder Receipt
  • Preview changes made


Merchants can apply changes by pressing the Apply button at the bottom of the page, once applied changes can be previewed by selecting the Preview button on the Preview Page tab.

Please note changes applied will not be visible to cardholders until after a Windcave staff member has applied the changes live.

To request your changes are made live please email [email protected] with your username and advise that you would like to apply your custom hosted settings live.

Custom Images

Merchants who would like to have their own custom images i.e., merchant logo or background image, should log a request with [email protected] with their username and the image they would like to be added.

Important: Images should be no more than 50KB in size and be in web format only (.jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .png), images larger than 50KB will be truncated.


Unlike a standard HPP integration, Payform by default does not return any transaction details to the merchant website; this means the merchant website is not required to handle any response from Windcave but will not receive notification once payment is complete.

To assist merchants in reconciliation Windcave can configure email or SMS notification receipts for payments processed through their Payform user, for more information or to enable merchant payment notifications please contact [email protected] and provide your Payform username.

Alternatively access to the Windcave Payline® payment management portal is included with all Payform setups, allowing merchants to view transaction history and generate reports to assist with financial reconciliation.