Windcave eCommerce test details

Windcave eCommerce test details

What credit card should we be testing with?

Only pre-approved 'test card' numbers provided by Windcave can be used for testing, within test environments. We recommend using the test card 4111 1111 1111 1111 for Visa, 5431 1111 1111 1111 for MasterCard, 3711 1111 1111 114 for Amex, and 3600 0000 0000 08 for Diners.

These can be used with any expiry date, 3 digit (4 digit for Amex) CVC and are suitable only for Windcave test accounts.

Please note that the transaction amount of *.76 will return a declined transaction for all card types.

Card Type Card Number ReCo(Response Code) Meaning Message
Visa 4111 1111 1111 1111 00 Transaction Approved APPROVED
Visa 4242 4242 4242 4242 00 Transaction Approved APPROVED
Visa 4999 9999 9999 9103 00 Transaction Approved APPROVED
Visa 4999 9999 9999 9236 05 Credit transaction is not allowed DO NOT HONOUR
Visa 4999 9999 9999 9269 12 Invalid Transaction - declined ERROR - INVLD TRAN
Visa 4999 9999 9999 9996 54 Card Expired Card Expired
Visa 4999 9999 9999 9202 U9 Transaction Declined TIMEOUT
Visa 4111 1111 1111 1119 Fails Luhn Check - not valid credit card
Visa 4999 9999 9999 9108 Fails Luhn Check - not valid credit card
Visa 4999 9999 9999 9109 Fails Luhn Check - not valid credit card
MasterCard 5431 1111 1111 1111 00 Transaction Approved APPROVED
MasterCard 5123 4558 0630 8521 00 Transaction Approved APPROVED
MasterCard 5123 4590 4605 8920 00 Transaction Approved APPROVED
MasterCard 5427 6600 6424 1339 00 Transaction Approved APPROVED
MasterCard 2223 0000 1000 0005 00 Transaction Approved APPROVED
MasterCard 5431 1111 1111 1301 30 The message contains Invalid Data ERROR - INVLD FORMAT
MasterCard 5431 1111 1111 1228 51 Not sufficient Funds in the Account DECLINED
MasterCard 5999 9999 9999 9108 Fails Luhn Check - not valid credit card
Amex 3774 0011 1111 115 00 Transaction Approved APPROVED
Amex 3760 0000 0000 006 00 Transaction Approved APPROVED
Amex 3711 1111 1111 114 00 Transaction Approved APPROVED
Amex 3712 3480 6987 034 00 Transaction Approved APPROVED
Diners 3600 0000 0000 08 00 Transaction Approved APPROVED
Diners 3612 3404 8703 94 00 Transaction Approved APPROVED
Diners 3612 3409 8536 19 00 Transaction Approved APPROVED
Diners 3612 3442 2696 33 00 Transaction Approved APPROVED
Discover 6011 1111 1111 1117 00 Transaction Approved APPROVED
Discover 6601 1111 1111 1113 00 Transaction Approved APPROVED
Discover 6011 3099 0000 1248 00 Transaction Approved APPROVED
JCB 3562 3500 0000 0003 00 Transaction Approved APPROVED
ASB True Rewards 5000 5111 1111 1113 00 Transaction Approved APPROVED
Jetstar Test Cards 5328 6500 0000 0006 00 Transaction Approved APPROVED
Jetstar Test Cards 5210 0000 1000 1001 00 Transaction Approved APPROVED
Switch 4903 1111 1111 1113 00 Transaction Approved APPROVED
Visa Electron 4026 1111 1111 1115 00 Transaction Approved APPROVED
Warehouse Money Visa Card 4065 9301 0900 0002 00 Transaction Approved APPROVED

Please note that for the below test card numbers to receive an approved response Windcave will need to be contacted to configure the test account.

Card Type Card Number
Prezzy Card 4283 3314 9574 4830
Westpac Visa Debit 4943 1238 4959 2979
Visa Credit 4111 1119 8508 2
KiwiBank Loaded Card 4182 2493 9271 4825
QCard 6015 3111 1111 1119

If we wish to simulate a transaction flagged for retry how should we test?

Using card number 4999999999999202 will result in a declined transaction and set the retry flag to "1" for interfaces that support it.

External hosted payment method gateway test details


Buyer Account: [email protected]

IOP Moneris

IDebit_Track2: 3728024906540591206=01121122334455000


User Name: [email protected]

Password: mah5Idaich1Niek5

Test Credit Card : 5506 7500 0000 4364

CVV: 123


Please use your PayPal Sandbox buyer account


Credit card: 6250 9470 0000 0014

CVN2: 123

Exp Date: 12 (Month) 33 (Year)

SMS Code on PC: 111111