
Features / Tokenization

Build Customer Trust With Tokenization

Remove the limitations from repeat billing relationships with your customers by securely storing cardholder data which can be used to enable seamless re-billing experiences across multiple channels.

Safeguard Card Data For A Faster Checkout Experience

Customers prefer the enhanced user experience of being recognized when they are an existing customer. Windcave local and network tokenization provides the functionality and security to offer an improved user experience resulting in higher conversions and longer billing relationships.

Improved Checkout Experience

Improved Checkout Experience

Card Lifecycle Management

Card Lifecycle Management

Increased consumer spend

Increased consumer spend


Network Tokenization

Network Tokenization provides merchants with dynamically updated tokens which provide higher authorization rates and reduce fraud. Network tokens replace a customers' card number across the entire payment network and are specific to a domain, device, merchant and channel creating extra protection.

How Does Tokenization Work?


Omni-channel Tokenization

Omni-channel tokenization allows you to truly connect your payment experience across all channels. Save customers card details when they pay in store and allow them to create an account to use online or in-app without having to ask for the details again. Once tokenized against an account you can identify customers when they present their card in-store or online allowing you to recognize their spend and provide rewards for loyalty.

Always Up-to-date Card Details

Tokenization gives you better card lifecycle management as tokenized cards are always verified with the issuer, so you no longer need to worry about expired cards when setting up your subscription or recurring payments. Removing any disruptions in payments and service.


No Compromise On Security

Tokenized payments are more secure than non-tokenized payments. When transactions occur using tokens only the token gets transmitted meaning no sensitiveness data is involved. This provides greater protection to cardholders and lower compliance costs for your business.