
Merchants utilizing the Windcave Hosted Payment Page (HPP) have access to a wide range of customization options, this guide outlines how to customize your HPP and what customization options are available.

Customizing your HPP

In order to customize your HPP you must first log into Payline® using your HPP username:

1. From your web browser navigate to https://sec.windcave.com/pxmi3/logon (for UAT accounts please use https://uat.windcave.com/pxmi3/logon)

2. Enter your HPP username and password and press Logon

Payline Login

Once logged into Payline® you can begin customizing your HPP:

Please note changes applied will not be visible to cardholders until after a Windcave staff member has applied the changes live.

To request your changes are made live please email [email protected] with your username and advise that you would like to apply your custom hosted settings live.

1. Navigate to Custom Hosted → HPP Customization


2. Make your customizations

3. Once all changes have been made click the Apply button at the bottom of the page

Apply Button

4. See Preview Page for details about previewing changes

Customization Options

Please note the content of screenshots may differ slightly to your Payline® user.

Customization options are broken into different categories/tabs, the below outlines the customization options available within each:

Payment Details

Here you can customize what data is shown in the Payment Details panel at the top of the HPP.

Payment Details

Payment Page

Here you can customize the content of the payment page.

Payment Page

Result Page

Here you can customize the contents of the result page.

Result Page

Payform Page

Here you can customize the contents of the Payform page, this page is only applicable to merchants utilizing the Windcave Payform solution.

Payform Page


Here you can customize the images to be displayed.


Custom Images

Page Style

Here merchants can customize the style of the page.


Custom Style Sheets

Merchants can optionally create their own custom style sheets, the below style sheets can be referenced as templates:

Merchants who would like to have their own custom style sheets should log a request with [email protected] with their username and the custom style sheet they would like to be added.

Important: Custom style sheets should be no more than 48KB in size.

A2A Specific

Here you can customize options for the A2A payment method, please note these settings are only applicable to merchants with A2A enabled.

A2A Specific

Cardholder Receipt

Here you can customize the details included on the cardholder receipt.

Cardholder Receipt

Preview Page

After clicking Apply to apply your desired customizations, you can preview the HPP by navigating to the Preview tab and pressing the Preview button.

The Payline® portal will render a demo page with your customizations applied for you to review.

Preview Page

When you are ready to publish the customizations to your live HPP, please email [email protected] with your username and advise that you would like to apply your custom hosted settings live.

Label Customization

The Label Customization button provides access to the label/data field customization options, this allows merchants to configure custom text for fields across the whole HPP interface.

For more information or help customizing labels, please contact [email protected].