
Paylink allows merchants to send a secure Hosted Payment Page (HPP) directly to the customer via email or sms.

With support for 3D Secure the HPP provides merchants additional protection against chargebacks instead of processing MOTO (Mail Order Telephone Order) or Manual payments, reducing the risks and cost of accepting credit card payments.

Paylink is available in a range of Windcave solutions, for more information about how to use Paylink please select your desired solution below:

Before following the below steps, merchants should first log in to their Paylink enabled Payline® user, you can log in to Payline® by navigating to https://sec.windcave.com/pxmi3/logon and entering your username and password.

1. Navigate to Transaction -> Paylink using the navigation menu

Navigation Menu Paylink

2. Fill in all applicable transaction details

Create Paylink Session

Field Name Description
Currency Currency the payment will be processed in, available options will vary per acquirer and setup.
TxnType The type of transaction to be used:
  • Purchase – Immediate charge to card.
  • Auth – Hold amount on card, a complete must be submitted from Payline® for settlement to occur.
  • Validate – No charge to card, used to check if card details are valid or not.
Amount The desired amount to charge the customer.
Enable Add Bill Card Indicates if Windcave should generate a unique token card used to complete payment or not, tokens are used for rebilling customers at a later date.
Expires Configures the date when the Paylink session will expire, once a session has expired it can no longer be used to process payment.
Session Delivery Method Determines how the Paylink session should be delivered to the customer:
  • Blank – Paylink session is presented to merchant and can be copied to manually send to customer.
  • Email – Paylink session sent via email to customer.
  • SMS – Paylink session sent via SMS to customer.
Email Optional customer email address to be stored against transaction, this is required if session delivery method is set to “Email”.
SMS Optional customer SMS number to be stored against transaction, this is required if session delivery method is set to “SMS”.
Merchant Reference Free text field. Enter any meaningful reference. Commonly used for transaction tracking and reconciliation.
TxnData1/2/3 The TxnData fields are free text fields that can be used to store information against a transaction.
TxnRef A unique, merchant application generated value that uniquely identifies the transaction.
Billing Id Optional merchant nominated unique token Id, should only be populated if merchant requires custom token Id
URL Success/Fail/Cancel Optional call back URLs for merchants wanting to provide a call back to their backend of payment status.

3. Click Create Paylink to generate the Paylink session

4. Confirmation of session creation will be displayed on screen:

Paylink Confirmation

5. The customer will be sent a HPP link via email, SMS or manual delivery, see Customer Experience for further details

Important, Paylink via Terminal only supports SMS delivery, for email delivery please use Paylink via Payline® or Paylink via API.

From the Windcave payment terminal follow the below instructions. Please note the user interface may vary slightly between terminal types:

1. Open the standalone menu

2. From the available options select PAYLINK

Main Menu Paylink

3. Follow the onscreen prompts to enter the amount and customers mobile phone number

Purchase Amount Paylink

4. Approved will be displayed if the Windcave host receives the Paylink request

Approved Paylink

5. The customer will be sent a HPP link via SMS, see Customer Experience for further details

Merchants with REST API credentials can implement Paylink via API, for further details please refer to the Paylink via API section of the REST User Guide.

Customer Experience

Email Delivery

Below is a basic example of the email notification received by the customer when using the email delivery method:

Email delivery Example

SMS Delivery

Below is a basic example of the SMS notification received by the customer when using the SMS delivery method:

SMS notification Example

Submitting Payment

Clicking the payment link will open the Windcave Hosted Payment Page on the customers device, here the customer can securely input and submit their payment information.

Below is an example of a Windcave Hosted Payment Page and the payment result page once payment has been submitted:

Payment example

Cardholder Transaction Receipt

Paylink users can be configured to send a transaction receipt to a Cardholders email once payment has been completed.

Below is an example of a Cardholder Transaction Receipt email:

Cardholder Receipt

Once a Paylink session has been created merchants can track its progress by navigating to Transactions -> Session Search page from their Payline® login.

Here merchants can input the desired search criteria then click Search, all applicable sessions will be displayed in the table below.

Session Search

Selecting a session from the list available will display additional details about the Paylink session.

Paylink session selection example


HPP Customization

From Payline® merchants can navigate to Custom Hosted -> HPP Customization, here merchants can:

  • Customize the look and feel of their Hosted Payment Page
  • Customize the details contained on the Cardholder Receipt
  • Preview any changes made

HPP Customization

Merchants can apply changes by pressing the Apply button at the bottom of the page, once applied changes can be previewed by selecting the Preview button on the Preview Page tab.

Please note changes applied will not be visible to card holders until after a Windcave staff member has applied the changes live.

To request your changes are made live please email [email protected] with your username and advise that you would like to apply your custom hosted settings live.

To customize the content of the Paylink email notification merchants simply need to navigate to the Custom Hosted -> Paylink Customization page once logged into Payline®, then select the Email tab at the top of the page to edit Email content.

Here merchants can input a custom email Subject, Title, Instruction Text, Link Text and control what options display in the email body.

Paylink Email Customization

Once all desired changes have been made, click the Update button to apply the changes.

To customize the content of the Paylink SMS notification merchants simply need to navigate to Custom Hosted -> Paylink Customization page once logged into Payline®, then select the SMS tab at the top of the page to edit SMS content.

Paylink SMS Customization

Here merchants can input a custom SMS Message Text up to 52 characters long, the SMS Message Text should instruct the user to click the link and it is recommended to include who the payment is for i.e., “Click the link to pay Sample Merchant”.

Please note the transaction amount and HPP URL will be automatically included in the SMS message, merchants do not need to include this information in the SMS Message Text field.

Below is an example of the SMS message with a custom SMS Message Text of “Click to pay John’s Mowing” configured on the user:

SMS Notification Example