Windcave enables acceptance of Discover速 Global Network in Australia

DateMonday, 08 Apr 2023

Windcave is excited to announce that it has officially launched acceptance of Discover速 Global Network for POS and eCommerce merchants in Australia. Windcave merchants in Australia will now be able to accept payments with Discover速 Card, Diners Club International速 Card, and over 25 affiliate network cards from around the world, including RuPay, BC Card, Elo, Troy, and many more.

Windcave enables acceptance of Discover速 Global Network in Australia

Discover速 Global Network is widely recognized and trusted by consumers worldwide as a global payments network. With this expansion, Windcave is expanding its reach and enhancing its offerings to merchants, giving them a greater opportunity to grow their business and reach a broader customer base, including another 305+ millions of loyal cardholders1 worldwide.

Whether you are an existing Windcave customer or considering joining Windcave for your Australian locations, contact the local Windcave team in Australia for further information about the new service.


Discover Global Network participation and RBR Global Payment Cards Data and Forecasts to 2027, September 2022.