Payline Batch Processor

Payline Batch Processor

The Payline Batch Processor is designed to process input files containing credit card payment information for authorisation.

Technical Specifications/ Features:

Input file

A CSV (Comma Separated Value) file upload from a directory to the Payline website and processed via Windcave Batch Processor

Output file

Another CSV file is created containing the original transaction and the result for that transaction. This is made available for download from the Payline website in the reports section.

Configuration Settings

Quote Suffix For Numeric Fields If checked appends a single quote (') to numeric fields like Card Number. This prevents Microsoft Excel etc from interpreting such fields as a number value causing corruption of the value if the file is later saved by Excel.
Field Delimiter This is the format you have created your csv file. Fields either separated by commas or delimited by quotes. The quotes are helpful when you are using a comma delimiter and have a comma in a text field which you do not want to delimit (break apart into multiple fields).
DDMMYYYY Format If checked PXBAT will output AcquirerDate and DateSettlement dates in DDMMYYYY format where DD is Day or month MM is month 01-12 and YYYY is year. Default: Not checked (dates output in YYYYMMDD format).
YYMM Expiry If checked PXBAT will interpret expiry dates in YYMM format not MMYY. Default: Not checked (date format for expiry dates is MMYY)
Require 2 decimal places Reserved. Default: Not Checked
DPS BillingId If checked a DpsBillingId/CardId can be used for recurring billing purposes. If unchecked you can use your own BillingId for token billing transactions. Default: Not checked.
EnableRetry If checked automatically retries transactions failed due to a transient condition such as communications failure. Default: Checked (Retry transactions failed due to transient faults).
Currency Determines the currency of the transaction for the input file - eg NZD USD etc.
LF Line Terminator If your CSV uses LF (Line Feed) terminators instead of plain CRs (carriage returns) then you should check this box.

Input File Format

Input File format is CSV (Comma Separated Value), Excel style. Each line of the file represents an authorisation, purchase, completion or refund request and has the following format:


Configuration Settings

Field Parameter Description
1 TxnType Transaction type that you would like to send. Can be Purchase Refund Tipping or Billing type transactions. Valid values are 'A'=Auth 'C'=Completion 'P'=Purchase 'R'=Refund 'V'=Validate 'B'=Bill
2 Account Windcave account number. Values can be 0-9999 depending upon account to settle to.
3 MerchantReference Free transaction reference field. E.g.: booking reference order reference or invoice number.
4 CardNumber/DpsBillingId/CardId Card Number. Note - must be followed by a single ' character if this file is loaded and saved using Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
5 ExpiryDate Card Expiry Date in MMYY format. Some acquirers do not require this field - contact Windcave for more details. Also not required if DpsBillingId/CardId is used.
6 Amount Amount in format e.g. $1.23 would be 1.23
7 DpsTxnRef/TransactionId DpsTxnRef/TransactionId needs to present for completion requests to match against original authorisation. DpsTxnRef/TransactionId will also need to be present for Refund transactions to match the original Purchase Completion or Billing transaction.
8 CPC Corporate Purchase Card transactions. Extended data which will appear on corporate cardholders statements if your merchant account supports it.
9 CardHolderName Cardholder Name if known.

Sample Input Record Format

P,9997,Ref1,4111111111111111,1010,1.23,,,TEST NAME1

The above input line describes a Purchase transaction for account 9997, Merchant Reference "Ref1",card number 4111111111111111, Expiry Date October 2010, amount $1.23, DpsTxnRef/TransactionId blank,reserved value blank, Card holder name is "TEST NAME1". Additional data (if present is ignored and is not written to output file. Trailing single quotes (') or double quotes (") are ignored. These should be included to prevent the cardnumber etc being interpreted as decimal values by Excel. i.e. Cardnumber should be input as 4111111111111111' not 4111111111111111).

Output File Format

Input File format is CSV (Comma Separated Value), Excel style. The file type .CSV is preserved. Each line of the file represents an authorisation, purchase, completion or refund result and has the following format:



Field Parameter Description
1 TxnType Transaction type that you would like to send. Can be Purchase Refund Tipping or Billing type transactions. Valid values are 'A'=Auth 'C'=Completion 'P'=Purchase 'R'=Refund 'V'=Validate 'B'=Bill
2 Account Windcave account number. Values can be 0-9999 depending upon account to settle to.
3 MerchantReference Free transaction reference field. E.g.: booking reference order reference or invoice number.
4 CardNumber/DpsBillingId/CardId Card Number. Note - must be followed by a single ' character if this file is loaded and saved using Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
5 ExpiryDate Card Expiry Date in MMYY format
6 Amount Amount in format e.g. $1.23 would be 1.23
7 DpsTxnRef/TransactionId DpsTxnRef/TransactionId needs to present for completion requests to match against original authorisation. DpsTxnRef/TransactionId will also need to be present for Refund transactions to match the original Purchase Completion or Billing transaction.
8 CPC Corporate Purchase Card transactions. Extended data which will appear on corporate cardholders statements if your merchant account supports it.
9 CardHolderName Cardholder Name if known.
10 Result Success of the transaction. 0=declined/failed 1=accepted
11 ResponseCode 2 character response code e.g.: "00"
12 ResponseText Text associated with response code. E.g.: "ACCEPTED"
13 AuthCode Authorisation (Approval) code if accepted.
14 DpsTxnRef/TransactionId Windcave unique transaction reference of the new transaction
15 AcquirerDate YYYYMMDD
16 AcquirerTime HHMMSS
17 DateSettlement YYYYMMDD

Sample Output Record Format

P,0,Ref1,"4988720008880035",0102,133.20,,345,A J CARDHOULD,1,00,ACCEPTED,886453,100035REF1,19990912,180922,19990912

The above output line describes a Purchase transaction for account 0, reference "Ref1", card number 4988720007770035, Expiry Date January 2002, amount $133.20, CVC2 value 345, Card holder name is "A J CARDHOULD", Result is 1 (approved), ResponseCode is "00", Text is ACCEPTED, TxnRef is 100035REF1, Date is 12th Sep 1999, Time is 6:09:22pm, Approval Code is 886453 and Date of Settlement is 12 Sept 1999

Batching Scenarios

Purchase Transactions

Input Sample

P,9997,Reference,4111111111111111,0106,1.23,,,TEST NAME

Output Sample

P,9997,Reference,4111111111111111,0106,1.23,,,TEST NAME,1,00,APPROVED,031507,0000000300a7a5e9,20050311,031507,20050311

Note: The DpsTxnRef/TransactionId (0000000300a7a5e9) that can be used later for refund transactions is highlighted in the output.

Refund transactions using DpsTxnRef/TransactionId

Input Sample

R,9997,Reference,,,1.23,0000000300a7a5e9,,TEST NAME

Output Sample

R,9997,Reference,,,1.23,0000000300a7a5e9,,TEST NAME,1,00,APPROVED,032042,0000000300a7a5ea,20050311,032042,20050311

Note: The DpsTxnRef/TransactionId value is 0000000300a7a5ea. This value is given as the output in the original purchase, complete or billing transaction. All refund transactions need to be matched with the original transaction.

Authorisation transactions

Input Sample

A,9997,Reference,4111111111111111,0106,1.23,,,TEST NAME

Output Sample

A,9997,Reference,4111111111111111,0106,1.23,,,TEST NAME1,1,00,APPROVED,113541,0000000300a7a5e9,20050307,001134,20050307

Note: The DpsTxnRef/TransactionId (0000000300a7a5e9) is given back and is the preferred method for matching the completions.

Completion transactions using DpsTxnRef/TransactionId

Input Sample

C,9997,Reference,,,1.23,0000000300a7a5e9,,TEST NAME

Output Sample

C,9997,Reference,4111111111111111,0106,1.23,0000000300a7a5e9,,TEST NAME,1,00,APPROVED,001314,0000000300a7a5c5,20050307,001314,20050307

Note: The DpsTxnRef/TransactionId value is 0000000300a7a5e9. This value was given as the output from the original authorisation transaction. A further DpsTxnRef is given back in the completion response and is unique to the complete transaction and would be used to match a refund against the transaction.

Billing transactions using DpsBillingID/CardId

Input Sample

B,9997,Reference,0000000000518077,,1.23,,,TEST NAME

Output Sample

B,9997,Reference,0000000000518077,,1.23,,,TEST NAME,1,00,APPROVED,104753,00000004010486cd,20050614,104753,20050614

Note: On the Setup tab of the PXBAT control panel the check box named "DPS BillingId" needs to be checked.

Note: The DpsBillingId/CardId used here was 0000000000518077

Adding billing cards

To add a billing card to the Billing Vault and receive a token for subsequent billing purposes you will use a different message format. A format specifier, "X0006", must appear as the first field in every record.

Valid TxnTypes are "P", which processes a purchase transaction and stores the card details, "A", which processes an authorisation transaction and stores the card details, and "H", which simply stores the card details without processing a financial transaction.

X0006, TxnType, Operation, Account, Merchant Reference, Card Number, Expiry, Amount, Issue Number, Card holder name

For "H" transaction type use an amount of "1.00" which will be disregarded as no financial transaction takes place.

Add DpsBillingId/CardId


X0006,H,Add,9997,create token 1,4111111111111111,1010,1.00, ,C HOLDER


X0006,H,Add,9997,create token 1,411111......1111,1010,1.00, ,C HOLDER, ,1, ,ADDED,0000010003224216, , , ,

To add a CardNumber2 value you will use a different message format. A format specifier, "X0008", must appear as the first field in every record.

X0008, TxnType, Operation, Account, Merchant Reference, Card Number, Expiry, Amount, Issue Number, Card holder name

Add Cardnumber2


X0008,H,Add, ,create CardNumber2 1,4111111111111111,0110, , ,C HOLDER


X0008,H,Add, ,create CardNumber2 1,411111......1111,0110, , ,C HOLDER,1, ,ADDED,0090200000000023,2BC29AF2, , ,

2BC29AF2 is the TxnMac Value.

Field Properties

AcquirerDate (output) Max 8 bytes

Contains the date the transaction was processed in YYYYMMDD format. This field may be blank if the transaction was rejected locally or otherwise not processed by the bank host.

AcquirerTime (output) Max 8 bytes

Contains the date the time of the day the transaction was processed in HHMMSS format. This field may be blank if the transaction was rejected locally or otherwise not processed by the bank host.

Amount (input) Max 13 characters

Set the amount to be charged or refunded (depending on the TxnType). Format is (d=dollars, c=cents). Max amount is 99999.99

CardHolderName (output) Max 64 characters

The cardholder name as it appears on customer card.

CardId (input/output) Max 16 Characters

CardId is the Windcave REST API parameter exact equivalent to DpsBillingId – they are two different names for the same data item. When output, contains the Windcave generated token. Only returned for transactions that are requested by the application with the EnableAddBillCard value set to 1 (true) indicating a token billing entry should be created.

CardNumber (input) Max 20 characters

The card number. No leading or embedded blanks are permitted. Must contain a numeric value.

Corporate Purchase Card (input) Mandatory 30 characters

Amex Corporate Purchase Card transactions. Extended data, which will appear on corporate cardholders statements if your merchant account supports it. This field needs to be exactly 30 characters, with the first character being an "A". The CPC field contains 2 corparate purchase card reference fields, with the 1st 9 characters after the "A" belonging to Corporate Purchase Card data 1 and the last 20 characters of the CPC input field belonging to Corporate Purchase Card data 2. You will need to pad if your reference is shorter than the required field length.

Example: P,9997,Reference,4111111111111111,0106,1.23,,A4387436 Payment March ,TEST NAME

DpsBillingId (input) Max 16 Characters

When output, contains the Windcave generated BillingId. Only returned for transactions that are requested by the application with the EnableAddBillCard value set to 1 (true) indicating a token billing entry should be created.

DateExpiry (input) Max 4 bytes

Indicates card expiry date. Format is MMYY where MM is month 01-12 and Year 00-99. do not insert "/" or other delimiter. Some acquirers do not require this field - contact Windcave for more details. Also not required if DpsBillingId/CardId is used.

DateSettlement (output) Max 8 bytes

Indicates Date of settlement (when money will be deposited in Merchant bank account) if this is supported by the Acquirer, otherwise contains the date the transaction was processed in YYYYMMDD format.

DpsTxnRef (input/output) Max 16 Characters

For future use. Returned for every transaction. If the transaction was approved, DpsTxnRef can be used as input to a Refund or Completion transaction for other Windcave products. Used to specify a transaction for refund without supplying the original card number and expiry date. The DpsTxnRef value returned by the original approved Auth transaction must be supplied also when doing a complete transaction.

MerchantReference (input) Max 32 Characters

Free text to appear on transaction reports.

ResponseText (output) Max 20 Characters

The Response Text is associated with ResponseCode. For successful transactions this is usually Approved and for unsuccessful transactions this can be a number of texts depending on why the transaction declined. For example it could be Card Expired, Declined, Invalid Card, REFER TO CARD ISSUER, DO NOT HONOUR. All acquirers have their own response texts and should be displayed for better understanding of why the transaction got declined.

ResponseCode (output) Max 2 characters

2 character response code from the bank. Explanation of the ResponseCode is usually provided in the ResponseText.

Result (output) Boolean true/false

Indicates success or failure of the transaction. 1 for successful and 0 for an unsuccessful transaction.

TransactionId (input/output) Max 16 Characters

TransactionId is the Windcave REST API parameter exact equivalent to DpsTxnRef – they are two different names for the same data item. Returned for every transaction. If the transaction was approved, DpsTxnRef can be used as input to a Refund or Completion transaction for other Windcave products. Used to specify a transaction for refund without supplying the original card number and expiry date. The DpsTxnRef value returned by the original approved Auth transaction must be supplied also when doing a complete transaction.

TxnType (input) Max 1 Character

Value Description
P Purchase
R Refund
A Auth
C Completion
V Validate
B Bill
H Reserved. (Add Bill Card)